Graduate School

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Frequently asked questions

We work on your timeline. Communication will begin immediately. The full process of proofreading lasts one week, editing lasts two weeks, and the full services package is unlimited. Your advisor will ask if you have particular needs or goals — please let us know!

We communicate primarily via email, and we’ve found that a combination of phone calls, Skype, and collaborative Google Docs is most productive for our editing process.

Ghostwriting is unethical, and the schools you’re applying to can smell it from a thousand miles away. Plus, then you would miss out on the rewarding experience of reflecting and writing about who you are.

Within the next hour, your advisor will reach out to you with a few get-to-know-you questions. If you’ve ordered our full services package, your advisor will set up a Skype appointment to kick off the process.

Of course! Just talk to your advisor about upgrading.

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