A Letter from Our Founder

About Us

The Application Essay.

So daunting. 

As a high school senior nursing the dream of graduating from suburban Oklahoma to the Ivy League, I felt like my life and hard work were coming to a climax in my essay. What had long been a dream now became a nightmare as I imagined strangers on the other side of the country scanning my application and sealing my fate. 

How could they know who I was and how much I wanted to attend their school?

I poured myself into the blank spaces of the essay and supplements, agonizing over every allegory and illustrative detail. Then when I received that sacred acceptance letter from my dream school, Columbia, the packet came with a handwritten note from the admissions committee commending me on such a powerful, poignant essay.

The essay component is the only opportunity in the application to show who you are — your voice, your experiences, your passion — beyond the numbers and checked boxes of your transcript, test scores, and resume.

It is also an opportunity to reflect on the person you’ve become and would like to grow into as you face the major crossroads of choosing a university (and a future).

My mission is to help applicants make the most of this opportunity. I challenge them to dig deep and find their true voice. Whether a natural-born writer or not, I believe everyone has a story to tell.

I founded The Ivy Essay to guide them as they translate it into a winning essay. This is my passion and, I believe, is just as rewarding for me as the student. 

What you should know about us...

We're writers with big hearts.

We help you translate who you are into a story. It's a rewarding experience for both of us, and we love doing it.

We're on your team.

Like a good coach, we know when to hold your hand and when to give you a dose of tough love. We care about your successes as much as you do.

It's about you.

We believe everyone has a unique voice, and we help you find it. Likewise, we treat you like an individual, and give you plenty of personalized attention.